image of pencil and scantron

It’s Time to Build Your Test Taking Skills

Testing is one of the most difficult parts of college. The test is where you demonstrate your knowledge to the instructor. If you do not have a method to prepare for tests, now is the time to put one into place.

Whether you have a Final, Midterm, or chapter test, studying is a crucial component to achieving a good grade. There are many methods to choose from so your goal is to take a look at the Oregon State University website and pick the strategies that you want to use. Click on the image to go to the site.

image of oregon state university test strategy website

Don’t forget about the other strategies that Tech 4 Ed has mentioned in the past:

Use 3 Words to Beat Stress

Use the Pomodoro Technique to Get Your Work Done

4 Minutes is All You Need to Beat Procrastination




You’re Using Grammarly…Right?

Spelling and grammar are the things you will deal with most in your time in college. Instructors routinely report that students could have gotten better grades if they only would have proofread papers better. Grammarly is the tool for you to improve your writing and stop losing points on writing assignments.

Here is a description of Grammarly from the TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center website:

Grammarly is an automated grammar tutor and revision tool for academic writing. A web-based application, Grammarly works one-on-one with a student to develop sentence-level writing skills, prevent plagiarism, and reinforce proper revision habits. Upload drafts of your writing assignments to Grammarly to receive immediate instructional feedback on over 100 points of grammar and double-check if all sources are properly cited!

One of the great things about Grammarly is that it is there for you with all of your writing tasks. Writing a paper in Word or Docs…Grammarly is checking. Sending an email for a job you are applying for…Grammarly is checking.

You know what you want to say, let Grammarly help you get it right. The TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center has you covered with Grammarly access. If you are a TMCC student you have access to the Premium features, and if you aren’t a student, you can still benefit from the features offered for free.

TMCC Students: TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center

Free version:


the number 4

4 Minutes is All You Need to Beat Procrastination

In the battle to get work done, sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. This article will walk you through the easy to learn and use method of the 4 Minute Rule.

Here are the steps of using the 4 Minute Rule:

  1. Get all the items you need to do your work (textbook, highlighters, pens and pencils, study notes, reading materials, writing materials)
  2. Set a timer for 4 minutes and tap start
  3. Study/Write until the timer goes off
  4. Ask yourself “Do I want to continue?”

The 4 Minute Rule speaks to the most difficult part of tasks…getting started. By getting going and seeing progress in the 4 minutes that you are working, you will more than likely tell yourself to continue. That’s the power of the 4 Minute Rule, once you get started it’s harder to get yourself to stop. If you want more of the science behind this, Jane Porter at LifeHacker has done a great job of breaking down the “Just Start” thinking: Mastering the Art of “Just Start”.

There may be times when you don’t want to continue too. Don’t beat yourself up about this. Try again later. For a great way to beat procrastination and be efficient with your time, couple the 4 Minute Rule with the Pomodoro Technique.

Make a Plan for Success in College



Success in college takes work. Hard work. One of the keys is figuring out what needs to be done once you get to class. Jim from Portsmouth, New Hampshire has put together an easy to follow website detailing the important factors to college success. The main idea Jim gives is that college isn’t about how intelligent you are, it’s about time and a willingness to work hard. Take a look and get started on your path to success.

How to Study In College: 

Start the Semester Right- Get Your Free Technology Tools

You’ve already paid for classes and books and all of those other added fees (trust me, I know, I’m a student at UNLV). Take advantage of being a student at TMCC with technology made available to you at no cost. The first article of this semester is highlighting past posts talking about technology you need!

Do you need a USB Drive? Go back to the TMCC Facebook page and Share the post.

You could be the lucky individual with a new USB Drive.

Office 365 education programs Get Microsoft Office at the totally affordable cost of…$0!

PremierLogoUse Premier to help with Reading, Writing, and Studying

Canvas logo  2   Using Canvas on your phone? Get the app.

As always this is your place to ask for help on the technology you are using to be successful at school. Ask a question with the comments below or stop by the Red Mountain building, Room 114 and ask for Scott.