You’re Using Grammarly…Right?

Spelling and grammar are the things you will deal with most in your time in college. Instructors routinely report that students could have gotten better grades if they only would have proofread papers better. Grammarly is the tool for you to improve your writing and stop losing points on writing assignments.

Here is a description of Grammarly from the TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center website:

Grammarly is an automated grammar tutor and revision tool for academic writing. A web-based application, Grammarly works one-on-one with a student to develop sentence-level writing skills, prevent plagiarism, and reinforce proper revision habits. Upload drafts of your writing assignments to Grammarly to receive immediate instructional feedback on over 100 points of grammar and double-check if all sources are properly cited!

One of the great things about Grammarly is that it is there for you with all of your writing tasks. Writing a paper in Word or Docs…Grammarly is checking. Sending an email for a job you are applying for…Grammarly is checking.

You know what you want to say, let Grammarly help you get it right. The TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center has you covered with Grammarly access. If you are a TMCC student you have access to the Premium features, and if you aren’t a student, you can still benefit from the features offered for free.

TMCC Students: TMCC Tutoring and Learning Center

Free version:


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