image of pencil and scantron

It’s Time to Build Your Test Taking Skills

Testing is one of the most difficult parts of college. The test is where you demonstrate your knowledge to the instructor. If you do not have a method to prepare for tests, now is the time to put one into place.

Whether you have a Final, Midterm, or chapter test, studying is a crucial component to achieving a good grade. There are many methods to choose from so your goal is to take a look at the Oregon State University website and pick the strategies that you want to use. Click on the image to go to the site.

image of oregon state university test strategy website

Don’t forget about the other strategies that Tech 4 Ed has mentioned in the past:

Use 3 Words to Beat Stress

Use the Pomodoro Technique to Get Your Work Done

4 Minutes is All You Need to Beat Procrastination




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